If you are like most families, your schedule is overloaded with work, school, and chauffeuring the kids to their various after-school events. To make sure your busy schedule is not compromised with preventable dental problems, our practice offers several services to help your family avoid dental issues. Simple checkups and cleanings every six months could keep you cavity-free and out of the dentist’s office for repair work. Here at Dr. Osman’s, we love our patients but like to minimize their visits with us by maintaining their oral health.
Everyone, regardless of age, should visit the dentist every six months for a checkup. It is during these visits that Dr. Osman has a chance to examine your teeth and gums and with the help of x-rays will catch any small cavities starting to form and clean them out before they become a major problem that can lead to root canals or extractions. During these visits Dr. Osman will also remove any tarter or plaque starting to accumulate between teeth, in places hard to remove with floss and brushing. During your checkup is the time for you to address any question or concerns you might have about your dental health. It is also during a checkup that if work is needed a treatment plan tailored to your specific needs is implemented.
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